few more days left till the EDD. i'm anxious, my husband too, and the baby seems restless inside, as well. hope everything went well, insyaAllah. whatever happens, happens for a reason. we just hope and pray it will be as accordingly, but if it happens the other way around, then there's nothing that we can do about it or mourning over it, as Allah swt knows better.
semalam birthday hubby, tapi no celebration, no cake whatsoever. myb next year we can celebrate a double birthday celebration, insyaAllah :)
these past few days i kept remembering things that shouldnt be remembered, people who should be forgotten, and all the 'what if' questions keep on popping inside my head. but as much as i want things to happen as i want it to be, Allah had already planned the best for me. i dont hold any grudge nor am i hoping to turn back the time. the one that already happened in the past remain a memory and the one that is waiting in the future, that should be cherish and be grateful about.