Even though he didn't say anything, his facial expression is full with confusion, doubts and i dunno...ekspresi yg x dpt diterjemahkn melainkan ayap je yg tau...he may be in confusion right now, but i hope that it didn't took him long to realize apa jua keputusan yg dia buat...
Dari form 1 smpi form 5 ayap blaja kt STAR, Ipoh...basically he learned to manage himself since the tender age of 13...fyi, my male siblings sume pn mengalami experience yg sme, dorg sume left home since masuk form 1, cuma saya n adik pmpn saya je yg stay kt Pontian smpi abis form 5...then lps abis SPM, he went to PLKN (which he thinks is a waste of time, but didn't complain bout the allowance though...)...abis je PLKN, dia stay kt umah for few months (smpt la amik lesen memandu) b4 pergi merantau ke Tangkak plak...
I think he misses home (either that or Astro...hehe) sbb dia rse mcm skjp je dia duk umah...abis SPM, trus g PLKN...br skjp duk umah, dh kne masuk matrik plak...dia mengeluh je, tp nk wat cmne...xkn selamanye nk duk senang lenang kt umah...n the first question dia tnye psl matrikulasi:
"cuti matrik sme x ngn cuti sekolah??"
And i think he misses his lil' brother
yap yap..
kita doakan jela yang terbaik untuk dia..
yup...all de best
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