tau tak pe perasaanye bila org len anggap kita as an outsider?? even though 'org len' 2 adalah org yg kita refer as a fren?? it hurts, okke...
it's not like aku nk sgt perhatian drpd my so-called frens...it was juz that jgn la pura2 b'lakon buat baik dpn aku kalau mmg xde niat nk buat baik pn...kalau setakat konon2 nk amik hati aku, so that aku x kecik hati, better x yah tnye lgsg...then, xde la aku sakit hati nk b'ckp ngn 'korg'...ni sume buat muka ala2 innocent, lps 2 tnye aku elok2, tp bila aku bls blk ngn jwpn yg agak kureng...dorg plak yg kata aku ni sombong, kerek sgt...as if mcm bodoh sombong plak aku ni...
however, nk marah2 pn x gune...i really need a break rite now, from all those pretentious people...n rse mcm nk tuntut something drpd someone.hehe (de org dh jnji nk tgk wayang sme...ble u nk blk???)
it's not like aku nk sgt perhatian drpd my so-called frens...it was juz that jgn la pura2 b'lakon buat baik dpn aku kalau mmg xde niat nk buat baik pn...kalau setakat konon2 nk amik hati aku, so that aku x kecik hati, better x yah tnye lgsg...then, xde la aku sakit hati nk b'ckp ngn 'korg'...ni sume buat muka ala2 innocent, lps 2 tnye aku elok2, tp bila aku bls blk ngn jwpn yg agak kureng...dorg plak yg kata aku ni sombong, kerek sgt...as if mcm bodoh sombong plak aku ni...
however, nk marah2 pn x gune...i really need a break rite now, from all those pretentious people...n rse mcm nk tuntut something drpd someone.hehe (de org dh jnji nk tgk wayang sme...ble u nk blk???)

p/s: still waiting 4 de chocolate to arrive ;<
"Never argue with idiots. They just drag you down to their level and then beat you with their experience."
i'm juz whining actually.hehe
btw, who r u danny??
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