but nonetheless, his inner child character always melts my heart away. it may sound weird, but when he's acting childishly, i just love him more coz i know he's only showing his true character to the one he loves dearly.
thank you for being there when it seems like no one really being there for me.
thank you for loving me with more love that anyone can give me.
thank you for making me feel safe again.
thank you.
and i'll never thank you enough.
have a wonderful and blessed life dear.
i'll always be near.
to grab your hands whenever you feel lost.
to hug you whenever you feel weak.
to kiss you goodnight so you'll have a wonderful dreams.
happy 26th.
happy birthday abang zhariff!
hehe...tq, tq, tq :) (abg zhariff ckp)hehe
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