Yeah..."speed racer" is out in cinema...n the only reason i'm watching this is bcoz of my uppa..."RAIN" ngeh ngeh ngeh (^,^)v
dh lme tnggu cite ni (since tau my "uppa" b'lakon dlm movie ni.hehe)...n i've watched it yesterday...since i'm not a movie reviewer, i can't really tell whether it's a good movie or not, but it's something worth to be watched by any RAIN's kipas-susah-mati...at first i thought he will be making a cameo appearance je sbb lmbt gk la watak dia nk kuar...then, i realize watak RAIN pn penting gk la...n he look so cool n dayah can't stop herself from screaming each time RAIN (a.k.a Taejo Togokhan) make an appearance...hehe
The Star gives 3 out of 5 star for the movie...n it doesn't really matter to me, since the only reason i watch the movie is solely bcoz of RAIN...;p
p/s: note to dayah, len kali kalau de cite yg pusing2 mcm roller coaster, ak x ajak ko la...takut ko muntah2 mcm smlm.hehe...."mabuk movie"
kipas susah nak mati betul..hehe
nk wat cmne kn...
lately i suke ngn kipas la
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