lack of sleep?? (i dun think so...definitely)
day dreaming??
day dreaming??
hypnotized?? may excuses...however, it is more embarrassing when someone else saw it...huahuahua
it is nothing actually, tp sy t'jatuh dr tangga..hehe...bkn lah jatuh t'golek2 down the stairs, cuma lost my balance when climbing up the stairs (???)
cite psl tangga ni...nnt kalau de rumah sndr (kalau la kn)...nk wat spiral staircase la...or something like this one ...looks kinda nice...hehe

satu lg keje x b'faedah ak buat hr ni...amik test of "Which Desperate Housewife U Are?"...hehe
n i think test tu x accurate pn...ada ke dia kate ak ni mcm Bree...even though ak minat ngn Marcia Cross who plays the Bree character...that doesn't mean i'm like her...duh!! (very the penipu ok!!)
p/s: meaningless web wandering - as always
not-so-meaningless web wandering - how to prepare standard solution (kne wat
smula...waaaa, mlsnye!!!)
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