i've been spending almost rm 250 for "stuff" that i bought on the internet...
crazy rite??
i've never EVER spend my money buying things from the internet...i wonder what trigger me to develop this...kinda fun as well...n somehow, feels like i want to invest in online business ;]
i'm not a business-minded person, i dunno how to be a businesswoman, n obviously, i dun even have the knowledge nor experience to support me...but i can try, if i'm willing to...
this gives me new prospect for my future...y not??maybe it is worth a try, but not now...i have more important stuff need to be think about...
anyhow...the money i spend on the stuff i bought for my own good, so i never think it as a waste of my money ;p
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
my famili
Create your own family sticker graphic at
tp ini cuma keluarga asas saya...tidak termasuk 2 org kakak ipar dan 6 org anak saudara
1) Raha Mat Ghazali (Kak Raha)...married to my first brother a.k.a Andung, blessed with 2 young sons (Muhammad Hariz Hakimi, 4 and Muhammad Hariz Luqman, 2)
2) Mahdalena (Kak Ina)...married to my second brother a.k.a Paka, blessed with 4 sons
(Hafizul Affiq, 8..Hafizul Azfar, 7..Hafizul Amsyar, 5..Hafizul Arshad, 3)
itu sahaja lah ahli keluarga saya buat masa ini...penambahan bilangan ahli keluarga nampaknya tidak akan berlaku dalam jangka masa terdekat..hehe
Sunday, July 27, 2008
free wireless at home
it's true...absolutely free hahaha ;D
sesampainya saya di rumah sewa 'kesayangan' di serdang petang tadi, saya dikejutkan dengan berita bahawa rumah kami termasuk dalam lingkungan wireless KFC Sri Serdang..hehehe
betapa gumbiranya saya, ini kerana saya dapat melayari internet di waktu malam at home, on my comfortable mattress, with my fluffy pillow (^,-)v
this is just too good to be true...but it is true, so it must be gooood ;p
anyhow, my sis just came home (msia) all the way from egypt...thrilled to see her again, got lots of chocolates (lurve chocolates!!) and few gifts from her
a book of reminder to myself.hehe...a very cute circular pendant and a purple crystal bracelet...very2 thoughtful indeed and i totally lurve all my gifts...i take it as my early birthday gifts ;)
sesampainya saya di rumah sewa 'kesayangan' di serdang petang tadi, saya dikejutkan dengan berita bahawa rumah kami termasuk dalam lingkungan wireless KFC Sri Serdang..hehehe
betapa gumbiranya saya, ini kerana saya dapat melayari internet di waktu malam at home, on my comfortable mattress, with my fluffy pillow (^,-)v
this is just too good to be true...but it is true, so it must be gooood ;p
anyhow, my sis just came home (msia) all the way from egypt...thrilled to see her again, got lots of chocolates (lurve chocolates!!) and few gifts from her
Friday, July 25, 2008
Biar Menjadi Kenangan
Aku dan kamu takkan tahu
Mengapa kita tak berpisah
Walau kita takkan pernah satu
p/s found this lyric when browsing thru my sis's laptop...relate to anyone?? of course, if not what's the point of posting it in my blog, rite??
Mengapa kita tak berpisah
Walau kita takkan pernah satu
p/s found this lyric when browsing thru my sis's laptop...relate to anyone?? of course, if not what's the point of posting it in my blog, rite??
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
my brother posted a link in his facebook
the title itself is juz catchy enough for people to actually get the message
"Research is Cool"...u guys can get to know about the site better and all of its services provided once u enter the website...
what actually caught my attention is the name of the website itself..."research is cool" n i try to relate that with my situation rite now...i'm a graduate student for my master degree, majoring in chemistry...i'm already in my 3rd semester n berdasarkan jadual perjalanan projek saya, i'm supposed to finish everything by my 4th semester...n that only leaves me roughly about 1 n 1/2 semester only...n it's not such a long period of time if we consider only about 4 to 5 months per semester...few more things need to be done, n honestly to tell u the truth i'm actually all over the place...everything seems to be so messy, scattering n this shows that i'm not an organized person... i need to calm down more often as i can get depressed easily...n all of these unwanted, bad aura of stress juz bring more damage to my health...lately, i'm having such a hard time to sleep, always feel tired most of the time...
need some help regarding this matter n hopefully i'm fit n healthy enough to start my day tomorrow...
the title itself is juz catchy enough for people to actually get the message
"Research is Cool"...u guys can get to know about the site better and all of its services provided once u enter the website...
what actually caught my attention is the name of the website itself..."research is cool" n i try to relate that with my situation rite now...i'm a graduate student for my master degree, majoring in chemistry...i'm already in my 3rd semester n berdasarkan jadual perjalanan projek saya, i'm supposed to finish everything by my 4th semester...n that only leaves me roughly about 1 n 1/2 semester only...n it's not such a long period of time if we consider only about 4 to 5 months per semester...few more things need to be done, n honestly to tell u the truth i'm actually all over the place...everything seems to be so messy, scattering n this shows that i'm not an organized person... i need to calm down more often as i can get depressed easily...n all of these unwanted, bad aura of stress juz bring more damage to my health...lately, i'm having such a hard time to sleep, always feel tired most of the time...
need some help regarding this matter n hopefully i'm fit n healthy enough to start my day tomorrow...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
whichever group names that they used...they're still the same group originated from south korea...i'm not a big fan of boy bands (liars!! ;p) however, when i came across their new single "Doushite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarou?" from their new J-pop album (dunno the title, dun ask...) last week, i thought its not 'that' new...then, i get to know that this album is only released on July 16th...hehe, not my fault for not knowing that, as i said earlier on, i'm not a big fan of boy bands ;)
the question now, why i even bother to post this entry on this particular song and boy band is because...i love the song, as simple as that...basically, its a sad love song, however i love the song's arrangement and it sounded so good...need to remind, the MV is also very nice, and they all look damn cute in white (sounds familiar?? ;p)
i used to hear a lot about these guys from my girlfrens...they will go nuts juz talking about them...they're pretty good, i guess (talking to a person with zero knowledge of music.hehe)
however, i'm not that interested to hear the rest of the album...i'm the kind of a person who only got hooked by a song at one time by one, all i can say is, i love this song, thats all...enjoy hearing it as much as i do (^,-)v
p/s btw, i also like to hear replay by shinee
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
gmbr lama

soalan: sila teka pe yg berbeza pd kesemua gmbr di atas
jawapan: xde pe yg berbeza ;p tp de 1 bnde yg tetap sme je dlm kesemua gmbr di atas, iaitu sy suke bt pose yg sme setiap kali b'gmbr..hehe (very not creative or mybe i'm way too shy..wakaka)
note: gmbr gelap (dlm cinema...tgk kungfu panda kot)
gmbr terang (kt delifrance...ble nk dtg lg ek?? mmmm)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Perasaan itu hadir lagi
Mengisi segenap ruang hatiku
Tak lama dahulu
Kubiar ia bersarang jauh di sudut hatiku
Agar tak lagi ku temuinya
Namun ia kembali
Biar berat hati ini menerima kenyataan
Ku gagahi diriku melangkah
Biar kabus mengelilingiku
Mengaburi penglihatan
Mengisi segenap ruang hatiku
Tak lama dahulu
Kubiar ia bersarang jauh di sudut hatiku
Agar tak lagi ku temuinya
Namun ia kembali
Biar berat hati ini menerima kenyataan
Ku gagahi diriku melangkah
Biar kabus mengelilingiku
Mengaburi penglihatan
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
azu dh kawen
gmbr atas: mlm berinai
gmbr bwh: hr esoknye, sanding 2nd time
very the blur okkey...amatur la kata kn..neway, yg penting dis cute girl dh slmt jd istri org...sobs sobs...azu, dh xleh nk duk ngumpat ngn ko lg...ko mst sebok ngumpat ngn husband ko je skrg...hukhuk (xdela, mne de ngumpt, ngata jer..haha)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Huhu...sgt sodap kek ni...nama dia "Glorious Berries" (if i'm not mistaken) bought from Baker's the middle de cheese cake...mmmmm, sgt2 sodap (even tho harga dia mhl gk la ;p)
Dpt mkn pn sbb celebrate b'day kwn2 (yana n nad) n ala2 mcm farewell kek utk bibi...yg penting saya yang ber ia2 nk beli kek ni sbb 1st time mkn (mse b'day mages, sook keng n chee siong) trus fall in love wif this cake :) (i guess everyone else loves it too...coz they're not complaining.kui3)
1) sy sgt suke cheese cake ;p
This week rse mcm mls je nk g lab (hr isnin je dh wat jht, jln2 kt mid, tgk 'get smart'.hehe)...dunno y,tp yg sbnrnye looking forward nk blk umh dis friday (npe ek??)...ada sbb2 yg t'tentu ke knpe beria sgt nk blk wkend ni?? hahaha (mybe de kot)...npe ak ckp b'belit2 ni, tp yg pasti rse sgt2 hepi smlm (atas sbb yg sme npe ak beria nk blk umh..huahuahua)...hai, seronok sngguh kalau "main dgn api" ni kn...xpela, biar saya je yg tau pe yg saya bebelkn hr ni *wink*
p/s x nk cite yg sedih2 hr ni sbb nk simpan rse hepi dan bahagia 2 smpi hr ahad ni (yeah!!!)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
cooking madness
lately, mcm dh jd satu habit, bile wkend je, msti tibe2 jd rajin nk masak something...well, hr sbtu lps since de rancangan nk kuar tgk movie 'sepi' (which is de 1st malay movie i ever watch in a cinema), so xde la nk masak yg grand2 sgt...i decided nk 'masak' cold macaroni and tuna salad ptg tu (so i can eat it for dinner)...actually, sng gile2 nk prepare mnde alah yg MALAS mcm ak ni pn rse sng je nk prepare dish ni...juz rebus macaroni until cooked, then cmpur segala mcm bnde spt di dlm gmbr (mayonis, tuna, egg, green peas, cherry tomatoes, salt and pepper)...senang banget ;) and it taste great too

then, for sunday, since xde rancangan nk kuar g mne2...i thought kari ayam is menu for the become simpler sbb sy guna perencah kari ayam segera.hehehe...nk try je, sbb nk tau cmne rse kalau guna perencah segera...well. not so bad actually, mmg rse mcm masakan kari (duh!! x kn la jd rase gulai plak)...even k.mun pn kte "ok la erina, sedap je" ngeh ngeh ngeh (dalam hati) sambil sengih2..kiranye bkn la ssh sgt nk main masak2 ni...lagi2 bile ada segala mcm perencah segera yg available kt pasaran...memudahkn kerja memasak bg golongan yg "BUSY" mcm saya (^,-)v

habis topik main masak2...nk komen ckit psl cite 'sepi'...very nice movie actually, x rugi ak kejar tiket 'burung awal'...hehe
1 thing i like about this movie...the plot is different...well,for some people, mgkin dorg akan ckp "ala, msti cite ni sme je ngn cite2 romantik yg len, xyah tgk kt panggung wayang, rugi duit je" (actually, saya pn pikir mcm ni gk mse memula) 4 some reason, i thought i wanna try watching msian movie, juz go n watch the movie, lgpn mcm org slalu ckp, kite org msia kne la sokong industri perfileman negara kite sndr ;p
slalunye kite dh leh agak ending sesebuah cite even br tgk 1/2 (or 1/4) part of the with sepi, ada kelainan, n i'm glad i watched it, i thought as the title of the movie itself, sume watak dlm cite tu will end up sepi (sad ending la) x sangka plak de hepi ending, n it is a sweet movie...cuma kesian ngn watak sufi n marya, whatever it is berbaloi tgk cite 'sepi'...

p/s CINTA TAK DATANG HANYA SEKALI (hopefully it is true ;p)

then, for sunday, since xde rancangan nk kuar g mne2...i thought kari ayam is menu for the become simpler sbb sy guna perencah kari ayam segera.hehehe...nk try je, sbb nk tau cmne rse kalau guna perencah segera...well. not so bad actually, mmg rse mcm masakan kari (duh!! x kn la jd rase gulai plak)...even k.mun pn kte "ok la erina, sedap je" ngeh ngeh ngeh (dalam hati) sambil sengih2..kiranye bkn la ssh sgt nk main masak2 ni...lagi2 bile ada segala mcm perencah segera yg available kt pasaran...memudahkn kerja memasak bg golongan yg "BUSY" mcm saya (^,-)v

habis topik main masak2...nk komen ckit psl cite 'sepi'...very nice movie actually, x rugi ak kejar tiket 'burung awal'...hehe
1 thing i like about this movie...the plot is different...well,for some people, mgkin dorg akan ckp "ala, msti cite ni sme je ngn cite2 romantik yg len, xyah tgk kt panggung wayang, rugi duit je" (actually, saya pn pikir mcm ni gk mse memula) 4 some reason, i thought i wanna try watching msian movie, juz go n watch the movie, lgpn mcm org slalu ckp, kite org msia kne la sokong industri perfileman negara kite sndr ;p
slalunye kite dh leh agak ending sesebuah cite even br tgk 1/2 (or 1/4) part of the with sepi, ada kelainan, n i'm glad i watched it, i thought as the title of the movie itself, sume watak dlm cite tu will end up sepi (sad ending la) x sangka plak de hepi ending, n it is a sweet movie...cuma kesian ngn watak sufi n marya, whatever it is berbaloi tgk cite 'sepi'...
p/s CINTA TAK DATANG HANYA SEKALI (hopefully it is true ;p)
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