Monday, August 18, 2008

even tho i didnt start today with a big smile on my face (sbb since jd demo lab, tetiap hr isnin je ak dh stat bad mood, if only budak2 tu x wat ak pening kepala..mmm) as soon as ak bukak frenste, i notice something in 1 of my fren's profile...he adds something new pd frenste dia, which is sooo not him, n thats make me laugh really big...n the only word yg keep spinning dlm kepala ak ni...P**HE*** + L**** (kne letak asterisk, kot2 dia t'baca bnde ni, n dia tau ak kutuk dia, sj cr nahasss.hehehe)...i know, its not a good thing to say that to ur fren, tp dh xleh nk cover, mmg tu jela ayat yg sesuai ak gunakn..muahaha...I'M SOOO EVIL

tp bila fikir2 balik, i can see the reason why he did that...mybe dorg dh berbaik2 kot, thats why la...n hopefully dia x sebok2 b'cerita pd ak lg, n this time i really hope it lasts, stop bothering me with ur problems...ak pnt jd tpt aduan masalah ni...ak pn de mslh ak sndr okke...n smpi skrg ak msh boleh t'gelak (klu leh siap nk golek2 atas lantai, tp nnt kotor baju, n org kate x sopan plak, gile pn ye...bahaya!!)...

n 1 more thing...i got a crazy proposition from 1 of my frens too (ni kwn lain)...let me rephrase, "CRAZY" proposition, got it??...i still cant believe he actually said all of those things, so weird n believe me i still cant get myself to believe all the things he said...i'm not the sort of a person yg cpt sgt terima kenyataan...not like my sis, yg xleh klu org provoke dia, dia terima je...klu org kata A, A la, x leh tukar2 jd B ke, Z ke...this simply because sy ni x mudah percayakn mybe one of these days, i'll believe him (maybe)...its hard to start all over again, u know, believing n trusting...its not easy, i've let my guard down before, n its ugly...juz ruin, basically i've a concrete reason to be paranoid, rite??

"life is unpredictable...sometimes it can be fun, frustrating, wonderful, n even heartbreaking...but that what makes it so beautiful..."

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