compliment is great...that is what i get today ;D
it has been quite a while since the last time i'm getting a great comment about what i do
somehow, at 1st i feel it is more like a pressure than a compliment...but only after i told him that i feel the pressure when he said all of those things, he started feeling bad, then i feel bad sbb makes him feels bad...hahaha
tp sy bgtau la yg whatever he told me juz now, only meant the good things...he meant for a compliment, but i took it as a pressure he put on me...but a good pressure...i thought i need a push, so that i'm always on the right track, kalau x mmg lalai sentiasa...
once in a while, we all need a bit of a compliment..x kesah la besar ke kecik ke, byk ke ckit ke...coz for me, i feel a lot different, a lot better, a lot happier...makes me feel good ;)
life ada ups and downs...the compliment that i get in the morning, hopefully it will last the whole day (i guess...)
n i wanna dream BIG...for whatever reason :)

once in a while, we all need a bit of a compliment..x kesah la besar ke kecik ke, byk ke ckit ke...coz for me, i feel a lot different, a lot better, a lot happier...makes me feel good ;)
life ada ups and downs...the compliment that i get in the morning, hopefully it will last the whole day (i guess...)
n i wanna dream BIG...for whatever reason :)