Friday, June 27, 2008

oh...happy day!!!

compliment is great...that is what i get today ;D
it has been quite a while since the last time i'm getting a great comment about what i do

somehow, at 1st i feel it is more like a pressure than a compliment...but only after i told him that i feel the pressure when he said all of those things, he started feeling bad, then i feel bad sbb makes him feels bad...hahaha

tp sy bgtau la yg whatever he told me juz now, only meant the good things...he meant for a compliment, but i took it as a pressure he put on me...but a good pressure...i thought i need a push, so that i'm always on the right track, kalau x mmg lalai sentiasa...

once in a while, we all need a bit of a compliment..x kesah la besar ke kecik ke, byk ke ckit ke...coz for me, i feel a lot different, a lot better, a lot happier...makes me feel good ;)

life ada ups and downs...the compliment that i get in the morning, hopefully it will last the whole day (i guess...)

n i wanna dream BIG...for whatever reason :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008


hari ni rse mengantuk sgt2...campur ngn perut siap b'keroncong lg (spe suh x mkn??ish3)

td pg sempat lg nk surf internet cr resipi my favorite cheese cake...mmmm ;)
if (if la kn...hehehe) sy tibe2 rajin weekend ni, ingt nk try the recipe (blueberry cheese cake) yg non-baked pnye...i dun have the priviledge to try the baked one since nk bakar dlm pe??periuk nasi??wat klakar la tu...huahuahua

hopefully, it will look like this

Thursday, June 19, 2008


not a great thing to start ur day with...

lack of sleep?? (i dun think so...definitely)
day dreaming??
hypnotized?? may excuses...however, it is more embarrassing when someone else saw it...huahuahua
it is nothing actually, tp sy t'jatuh dr tangga..hehe...bkn lah jatuh t'golek2 down the stairs, cuma lost my balance when climbing up the stairs (???)

cite psl tangga ni...nnt kalau de rumah sndr (kalau la kn)...nk wat spiral staircase la...or something like this one ...looks kinda nice...hehe

satu lg keje x b'faedah ak buat hr ni...amik test of "Which Desperate Housewife U Are?"...hehe
n i think test tu x accurate pn...ada ke dia kate ak ni mcm Bree...even though ak minat ngn Marcia Cross who plays the Bree character...that doesn't mean i'm like her...duh!! (very the penipu ok!!)

p/s: meaningless web wandering - as always
not-so-meaningless web wandering - how to prepare standard solution (kne wat
smula...waaaa, mlsnye!!!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

operasi lipat melipat

n dlm paper bag tu de coklat...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Heard a tragic story last week, tp br b'kesempatan nk write bout it today...beyond my expectation n beyond my consciousness's need to tell what it is...hanya akan melukakan hati yg mengetahui...btw, it's not about me, nevertheless i feel sorry for her...

n i found this sad love quotes...which i felt very, very close to, mybe this time i wanna dedicate this to 'her' strong my fren, as my sis used to tell me "big girls dun cry"!!!

I keep telling myself that I don't miss you,
and that I don't love you,
hoping someday I'll believe it.

Love is letting go,
even when you don't want to.
Love is letting him be happy
even when it doesn't involve you.
Love is being okay with just being friends
Love is being able to say goodbye
because you know its the best thing for him
Love is letting go

Letting go of someone dear to you is hard,
but holding on to someone who doesn't
even feel the same is much harder.
Giving up doesn't mean you are weak!
It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

We are the perfect couple,
we're just not in the perfect situation.

True love leaves a memory no one can steal
and a heartache no one can heal

Its hard to pretend you love someone when
you don't but its harder to pretend that
you don't love someone when you really do.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A break

pemandangan dr dlm bas...

Gimme a break!!!! (wat ngn intonasi yg betul n penuh b'smgt ok) v(^,-)
haha...i told myself from now on aku akan balik umh (pontian,jhr) at least once a month...yela, klu dl nk blk pn kne fikir byk2 kali leh ke blk...well, alasan (ni ckp org2 yg kurang mengerti keadaan aku)...i don't blame since lately i'm having trouble coping myself with all of the hustle n bustle, so i decide nk blk gk no matter what...nk kate last min decision x jgk coz i already told few frens few days b4 i'm going back...but still the possibility 4 not going back msh de...fortunately, i did go back home last saturday

well, cuti yg ak wat sndr slame 4 hari digunakan sebaiknye dgn menonton rancangan2 di tv...lps pnt tgk tv...makan, then smbg tgk tv smula...tu jela kejenye slame duk di umh...hehe, xpela sbb klu dh duk umh ni, mood nk wat keje (yg kononnye nk disiapkn kt umh) mmg xkn wujud...haram (bak kate kwn aku)

tp yg x bestnye duk umh ni...mknn sentiasa t'hidang dpn mata...duk umh br 3, 4 hari tp rse berat bdn ni cpt sgt naik...ish3, xleh jd mcm ni

di suatu petang,

aku: mak, anis dh kenyang, npe mak bli pisang goreng plak...makin gemuk la anis klu duk umh lme2..huuuu

mak: ala, pisang goreng je pn...anis x gemuk la

aku: anis br duk umh 2 hari dh rse gemuk tau, asyik makan mak pnye pasal la...eee, x nk kawan ngn mak

mak: hehehe...x nk kawan x dpt makan la (mak ketawa ngn nada kejam sekali)
aku: mak ni...waaaaaa

the end

p/s: wedding azu early next month aku jadikan alasan utk blk pontian...bln 8 kne cr alasan br ni...frens,de sape2 nk kawen lg???;p

p/s p/s: my IQ is estimated 122...above average tu...muahaha (dun really think so tho)

Friday, June 6, 2008

naik minyak!!!!!

haha...kelmarin (rabu) me+mira+k.mun+dayah g alamanda...well, for what purposes other than shopping...hehe, tp xdela nk shopping sgt pn...sume pn wat muka ala2 nk save bajet ;p (esp mira, sian kne caj dkt rm600 sbb nk servis kete je...)

well, at last umh ktorg de tv br...wuhooo, thnx to k.mun, sbb for the last 2 weeks ktorg duk melopong je...masing2 dh mcm org sewel sbb x tgk tv...mcm xtau dunia luar plak...note, tv yg slame ni di hadap tetiap hr adalah milik x-rumate, so since dia dh out of the house, ktorg dh hilang source of entertainment...u guys don wanna know pe yg anak2 dara leh borakkn when there is no tv around.hehehe (evil laugh!!!!)

however, pe kne mengena cite di atas ngn title entry ni ek?? hehe, xdela, on that very night, br tau yg harga petrol nek like dunno...78 sen kot...well, it makes rm2.70/liter rite??mahal tu...klu dl kete kancil full tank pn x smpi rm50 tp skrg over rm50...of course there is a huge difference...lg besar tank msti la lg byk kne byr, tul x...mmm, tah mmber tegur "ni la, spe suh undi pak lah!!" (eh2, sy x reti nk ckp2 politik ni...out of topik plzzzz)...n nk ckp, yg stesen petronas dkt upm tu line pnjg giler mse ktorg lalu lps blk dr alamanda...

mira: nsb bek kita isi minyak sblm g alamanda td...mati nk beratur, pjg giler line
dayah: yela, sume org pn panik...tibe2 harga minyak nek...kata bln 8 br nk nek
aku: ....................

the end the end yet...smlm dgr kt 8tv lagu ni...sound so 'opera'...yela, yg nyanyi pn pelakon phantom of the opera...let's hear 'Slow me Down' by Emmy Rossum....

p/s: in some part of my life, i need to slow down as well...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Bunyi macam environmentalist je...hehe, but i'm not that, i'm not...this entry dibuat simply because the fact that recently i found out that i have the affinity to the color actually is not the primary color, it's product of combining yellow and blue...well, info2 mcm ni sng je nk cr kt je, so no need for me to tell about it...but, i never knew, green ni sbnrnye de byk shades tau...n for those yg de initiative nk tau, the can tell the difference...but, for me, pe2 yg de shades that can be referred to as green...well, i call it green.hehe

here, nk list kn bnde2 yg ak pernah de n the color is green (obviously!!)

1) basikal gunung a.k.a mountain bike (dulu2 g skolah naik beskal ni)
2) beg skolah (x ingt jenama pe)

basically, i hate my bike n my school bag coz it's green, but somehow ak still guna 2 bnde ni for few ironic

3) mak yg blikn mse ak mula2 stat msk matrik...still in my possession for almost 5 years
4) pencil case teddy tale...suke sgt pencil case ni, n i think x kn tukar ngn yg len.hehe...msh elok lg walaupn dh pakai dekat 4 taun
5) few blouse+t-shirts...xtau npe tp klu g shopping warna 1st yg ak capai msti warna hijau...weird
6) 1 bj kurung in particular...dl mse mak pilih kain ni, ak x ske gile ngn kaler dia, tp bile dh siap jahit, bj kurung ni gk la yg ak plg suke pakai, smpi skrg...sbb x yah gosok.hahaha
7) 1 tudung yg ak bli kt jln tar, 10 hengget je...but i like the color, very the hijau with a splash of yellow...member pnah tegur "pokok b'gerak"...hehe, i take it as a compliment ;)
8) toiletries...unconciously, ak akan pick@buy yg packaging dia de kaler hijau

hehe...xde la byk sgt, mybe de yg t'tinggal coz i'm obviously sgt pelupa...but still, bila dh perasan, rasa mcm suka plak ngn kaler hijau ni...go green!!! v(^,-)

n ni de byk makne n de byk bnde leh di kaitkn dgn warna hijau tu sndr...well, u guys can have a look at

n sebab tu jugak la my blog pnye nama "plain apple green thought"
1) plain - sy plain je, like plain jane...nothing special
2) apple - sj je letak...suke gk mkn epal
3) green - coz i like green
4) thought - well, my blog, my easy as that ;)

sbg selingan, why not kite dgr lagu "HIJAU" by the famous mr. zainal abidin (feymes ke?? ;p) n mr. cutie, abg hady mirza...ngeh ngeh ngeh ;p

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

am i??

someone told me "erina, be a good girl from now on..."

de lg smbgn pd ayat tu, but let me juz keep that to myself...but i told myself, how can i be a good girl when i'm not-so-good girl to begin, tu sume adalah judgement pd diri saya sendiri...well, whatever it is...i'll try ok, i'll try to be a good girl from now on...i guess, klu saya cuba sedaya upaya, xkn ada istilah mustahil...anything is possible if we try our best...i'll try to be optimistic rite now even though that's the hardest thing yg nk dilaksanakn...rsenye lebih mudah utk being negatif rather than be positif...knpe ek?? i wonder why...mmmm

tp pape hal matter how hard or difficult it may be...let juz assume de something yg lebih baik menunggu pada masa akan datang...

Monday, June 2, 2008

I believe it will get better in time

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through

Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gonna be ok

[ Chorus: ]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings

If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy
you meant everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gonna be ok

[ Chorus: ]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I'll
be fine without you
Yes I will

[ Chorus: ]
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

Dunno why, tp since Leona Lewis makes an appearance...ak slalu dpt rse yg lagu2 dia byk relate dgn pe yg jd pd diri ak skrg ni...klu mse first time dia kuar ngn single 'Bleeding Love' yg meletup around de world tu...i told myself, i'm gonna stick to that song, permanently...coz it seems like i don't even care what others think bout what i do (yes, i'm stubborn, n very selfish+self-centered)...if it makes me happy, i'll juz continue doing whatever i think is rite...even though it's the worst decision i ever did to skrg ak rse i'll stick to 'Better in Time'...coz i think it really fits me well ( IS absurd, it's hard to even make a 'RIGHT' choice)...but, how do u know u're making the rite choice when there is so much possibilities in the outcome...mmm, what the hell am i rambling here...walau bagaimana pun, i'm positive...juz like a dear fren of mine told me last night..."erina, be positif...klu ko rse mslh ko bsr, de org yg de mslh lg bsr drpd ko...juz byk b'sbr n stop crying...ak akan slalu de utk temankn ko"....mmm, i find his words soothing n comforting...n rite before ak tdo mlm td, ak t'tnye2 adakah slame ni ak t'lalu taksub m'cari sesuatu yg ak sndr xtau pe...sdgkn pe yg ak cari tu de dkt je dgn ak sbnrnye (like, rite in front of my eyes), t'lmpau dkt smpi ak sndr x sdr akan kehadiran dia...mmm, tah is full of adventures n mysteries yg smpi ble2 pn x akan de kesudahannye...unless we die, i think so...kat sini, ak attach lirik both 'Better in Time' n 'Bleeding Love'...juz to remind me what really happens...mybe i need a counseling.hehe

But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone's looking round
Thinking I'm going crazy

But I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away (dis is really, really true, 'they' really did try to pull me away)
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling (obviously!!)

But nothing's greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face (ckp mcm ni bila u're madly in love...mmm)
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe (maybe, it is true after all)