Akhirnya...manuskrip yang sekian lama t'simpan dlm laptop ni, dah di print and send to Dr. Tan to be reviewed...hahaha, feel sooooooo good. I've been keeping the manuskrip for so long that it drives me to the edge each n everytime I saw it...mmm, not sure whether it is because of my poor time management or is it juz because I'm way to lazy to type anything.
However, since I've finished 1/2 of the actual manuskrip (the other 1/2 akan menyusul x lme lg...hehe), Dr. Tan ingat I don't have anymore labwork need to be done, so...guess what he told me?? You're absolutely rite, MORE WORKS....hahahahaha and as usual, he told me that it's only a 'small' work, cuma tambah ckit je lg labwork erina, only application part je so that your research will look way better when you write your thesis....right now, i don't think that there's anything i can write about that...remind me not to further my studies for PhD (for the time being), coz i'm completely, extremely exhausted rite now...org kata x baik mengeluh but you know what, whining is my favorite past time activity...so, biarlah apa org nk kata...yg penting saya hepi...wuhooooo
However, since I've finished 1/2 of the actual manuskrip (the other 1/2 akan menyusul x lme lg...hehe), Dr. Tan ingat I don't have anymore labwork need to be done, so...guess what he told me?? You're absolutely rite, MORE WORKS....hahahahaha and as usual, he told me that it's only a 'small' work, cuma tambah ckit je lg labwork erina, only application part je so that your research will look way better when you write your thesis....right now, i don't think that there's anything i can write about that...remind me not to further my studies for PhD (for the time being), coz i'm completely, extremely exhausted rite now...org kata x baik mengeluh but you know what, whining is my favorite past time activity...so, biarlah apa org nk kata...yg penting saya hepi...wuhooooo

p/s: stumble upon this cool website (http://www.nataliedee.com)...i guess i juz love people who can draw...n saya pn suka surf blog saharil at www.saharil.com (hehe...dia pn org pontian tau)