Thursday, August 28, 2008

reminder------21st Sept

maybe gambar tu x berapa jelas...biar saya taip semula okke

besday saya

- ingat tau
- jgn lupa beli hadiah
- tp ni bln pose, blnje lps raya pn ok je =)

someone reminds me about this...saya conteng2 je dlm buku dia...then he really take it org kata...x baik tolak da nk bg hadiah, say pn tadah la tgn seluasnya..hehe

Yin & Yang

him & her

artist & scientist

lefty & righty

yin & yang

two opposing but complementary to one another

eventually it balances both of us

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

pening kepala

mne nak siapkn abstrak nye...mne nk siapkn paper nye...b'denyut2 je otak ni...tmbh ngn panas lg, jln jam (pe kaitan??)...sume ni wat ak rse mcm nk muntah je, pitam pn leh gamaknye...

my syg kate suh makan cottal (is it the rite spelling??)...ala panadol utk budak2 tu yg kaler pink@yellow...since i hate the word panadol itself, buekkk...x ske mkn panadol unless t' since hr ni pnye fening kapla tada, i say 'bye bye' to panadol, sowi eh syg, i decide x nk dgr ckp u hr ni..hehe ;p

byk la teruk itu jam nk smpi ke KL (saya ke puduraya pg td, nk bli tket blk umh smpena cuti merdeka ni)...drpd nek bas metro yg lbh kurang stgh jam je nk smpi kotaraya, leh la plak amek mse dlm sejam nk smpi sne...smpt lagi ak nk lelapkn mata dlm bas metro 2...n dlm penat2 ak ngomel tu, smpt lagi b'shopping kt kotaraya lps beli tket...huahuahua, klu da nmenye pompuan, pantang de duit x byk tau saya spend, x smpi seratus pn.hehehe...dpt la 1 black sling bag from maple ;)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Finally Found Someone

I Finally Found Someone - Barbara Streisand & Brian Adams

p/s nnt kalau u n i g karaoke, kite nyanyi lagu ni sesame k...ala2 duet mcm barbara streisand ngn bryan adams gitu...(^,^)v


Doaku padaMu Ya Allah

Oh Tuhan seandainya telah Kau catatkan
Dia milikku tercipta untuk diriku
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan
Ya Allah ku mohon apa yang telah Kau takdirkan
Ku harap dia adalah yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau tahu segala isi hatiku
Pelihara daku dari kemurkaanMu
Ya Tuhanku yang Maha Pemurah
Beri kekuatan jua harapan
Membina diri yang lesu tak bermaya
Semaikan setulus kasih di jiwa
Ku pasrah kepadaMu kurniakanlah aku
Pasangan yang beriman bisa menemani aku
Supaya ku dan dia dapat melayar bahtera
Kembara cinta yang Engkau redhai

Ya Allah
Oh Tuhan

Seandai dia menjadi milikku satukanlah
Ya Allah ku mohon apa yang telah Kau takdirkan
Ku harap dia adalah apa yang terbaik buatku
Kerana Engkau tahu segala isi hatiku
Pelihara daku dari kemurkaanMu
Ya Tuhanku Kau Maha Pengasih
Engkau saja pemeliharaku
Dengarkan rintihan hambamu ini
Jangan Engkau biarkan ku sendiri
Agarku bisa bahagia walau tanpa bersamanya
Gantikanlah yang hilang
Tumbuhkan yang telah patah
Ku inginkan bahagia di dunia dan akhirat
Pada Mu Tuhan ku mohon segala

Ini doa saya buat masa sekarang...doa untuk kekal bersamanya...seandainya memang benar dia tercipta buat diriku...

p/s i got teased last nite sbb having this for my must-hear-song nowadays...well, org tgh bahagia, xkn la nk dgr lagu sedih2 plak kn..hehe

1) Thank God I Found You
2) From This Moment On
3) Wanita Yang Kau Pilih
4) You And I
5) I Finally Found Someone
6) last sekali...Sempurna

list ni pjg lagi saya short-list kn jd 6 ulang2 dgr lagu yg sme jela :D

Monday, August 25, 2008

Padah bermulut lancang

Terlajak perahu boleh di undur

Terlajak kata buruk padahnya


Friday, August 22, 2008


tatau la nk kata sy agak terkejut la last nite, bile my sis suddenly call me n told me her worries...saya x sngka la, it would turn out to be like that, tp saya still rse we (me + my sis) worries too much...tah2 xde pape pn, well we never know, rite??

tp, biarlah cerita tu berakhir dgn persoalan...coz i cant even fix yg nk jd, da jd pn, so all we can do is juz deal with it...i've made a promise pd adik saya dat i will not talk about this matter anymore, n saya hanya menurut perintah...better talk about something yg x libatkn org yg sy x kenal, mmm erina, erina...tu la, ske sgt me'laser' org len, mulut tu nk kne zip gamaknye..hehehe

1st thing yg de sorg mmber ni tegur mse dia nmpk saya kt fakulti hr ni...

Dia: erina, ko x penat ke??
(owh, btw, smlm ktorg gotong royong sental lantai umh sewa br)

Saya: penat gk la, sakit2 badan, ak siap demam lg pg td

Dia: yeke, tp npe ko nmpk b'seri2 je...ktorg (k.mun, fairus n dia) sume dh muke letih je, x larat, bdn sakit2...sedap je time kne urut

Saya: hahaha...ak de penawar rindu kot :D

Dia: kah..kah...kah...buek

Saya: xdela, gurau je

Dia: padan la muka tu b'seri2 jer

Saya: mne de (smbil t'sengih2)

p/s is it that obvious?? kne pandai cover sket la lps ni..hehe...n dis conversation is as close as to the real conversation...;)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

excited+sket kuciwa+sayu last, dpt gk ak tgk cite the mummy 2 frust gile2 sbb xdpt tgk (ni mse memula dia release kt cinema) leh plak full, siap sold out lg, hampeh snguh...mybe de hikmahnye...neway, ak bknnye nk ckp psl hal yg dl, i wanna talk bout yesterday, best gk la cite mummy tu, tp klu nk compare, i like the previous 2 movies rather than this new one, n i like rachel weisz better for eve character, the new mrs. o'connell is too well-mannered (i think) n seems like not that compatible with brandon fraser...tu cuma tanggapan personal belaka, x kesah la org len nk kate pe...

yesterday was a nice, fun day out, even tho langit x secerah mne, cuma b'nsb bek hujan x turun mencurah spt pagi ini...klu nk kate great, rse mcm over la plak...all i can say, i'm glad we went out together ;D (kne la wat big smile, coz i still cant stop myself from smiling)...haha, this is very pathetic of me...kinda childish jgk, n mybe this is very new, n i'm juz way too excited about it...rse mcm nk tampar muka sndr jek, biar realistic sket...hahaha (juz hoping dat dia x serik la nk kuar ngn ak lg)

anyhow, enough bout dat...i need n hv to concentrate on my abstract to be sent for a seminar coz the dateline for abstract submission is next week...n still kne mintak opinion Dr. Tan gk (my supervisor)...sempat ke nk wat hr ni, dh la duk sebok wat entry utk blog je kejenye...n talking bout entry blog, i hv to delete my previous entry, sbb de org mintak jasa baik suh sy men'delete' entry itu...takot nnt de org yg t'singgung...well, so sorry bout dat, mase tulis tu x pk sgt pn, i juz tot dat there's a small chance that person akan even terjah my demi menjaga hati byk pihak, sy delete la ye, sori cik faizati...tetibe rse mcm nk blk umh la, rse rindu kt mak, abah, ati, yap, adik, rse mcm dh lme sgt x jmp dorg...hmmm, tah ble la nk blk b'cuti...bln pose dh nk dkt, hr 2 siap dpt tau yg 1st sep (1st day pose) x cuti pn...mau menyirap darah ak, dh la 1st day pose, bkn ke hr tu pttnye cuti sbb merdeka hr ahad...ak dh siap plan awal2 nk bkk pose ngn mak abah, ngn ati gk bile tau x cuti (tp ni still tatau betol ke x) n dh la still kne masuk lab sbb jd demo, mula ak nk stat nek je tau, i fed up okke...klu leh xnk marah2 ni, nnt i'll look older, but still...sedih la wei, ak nk bkk pose kt umh...klu ak men blk je cmne, jht la plak, cian kt mira kne handle lab sorg2...dh la bdk2 tu 'baik' n 'menurut perintah' belaka :(

kesudahannye...redha jela, klu cuti, mmg ak trus blk, klu x cuti, bkk pose ngn member2 pn ok gk, cuma kurang rse nikmatnye...dh lme x merasa lauk mak masak, tetibe rse sayu plak...1 more thing, ckp2 psl serkap jarang ni, i'm sorry jgk to the one yg t'kena tempiasnye...bkn niat di hati utk melukakan, saya hanyalah insan biasa yg x lari dr m'buat kesilapan...harap dimaafkn, rse2 nye klu dh nk dkt bln pose ni, makin sng nk rse insaf kot...tah la

p/s n we're still "At the Beginning" hehe (very pathetic la erina, but....ak still nk letak gk) ;p

At the Beginning - Richard Marx and Donna Lewis

Monday, August 18, 2008

even tho i didnt start today with a big smile on my face (sbb since jd demo lab, tetiap hr isnin je ak dh stat bad mood, if only budak2 tu x wat ak pening kepala..mmm) as soon as ak bukak frenste, i notice something in 1 of my fren's profile...he adds something new pd frenste dia, which is sooo not him, n thats make me laugh really big...n the only word yg keep spinning dlm kepala ak ni...P**HE*** + L**** (kne letak asterisk, kot2 dia t'baca bnde ni, n dia tau ak kutuk dia, sj cr nahasss.hehehe)...i know, its not a good thing to say that to ur fren, tp dh xleh nk cover, mmg tu jela ayat yg sesuai ak gunakn..muahaha...I'M SOOO EVIL

tp bila fikir2 balik, i can see the reason why he did that...mybe dorg dh berbaik2 kot, thats why la...n hopefully dia x sebok2 b'cerita pd ak lg, n this time i really hope it lasts, stop bothering me with ur problems...ak pnt jd tpt aduan masalah ni...ak pn de mslh ak sndr okke...n smpi skrg ak msh boleh t'gelak (klu leh siap nk golek2 atas lantai, tp nnt kotor baju, n org kate x sopan plak, gile pn ye...bahaya!!)...

n 1 more thing...i got a crazy proposition from 1 of my frens too (ni kwn lain)...let me rephrase, "CRAZY" proposition, got it??...i still cant believe he actually said all of those things, so weird n believe me i still cant get myself to believe all the things he said...i'm not the sort of a person yg cpt sgt terima kenyataan...not like my sis, yg xleh klu org provoke dia, dia terima je...klu org kata A, A la, x leh tukar2 jd B ke, Z ke...this simply because sy ni x mudah percayakn mybe one of these days, i'll believe him (maybe)...its hard to start all over again, u know, believing n trusting...its not easy, i've let my guard down before, n its ugly...juz ruin, basically i've a concrete reason to be paranoid, rite??

"life is unpredictable...sometimes it can be fun, frustrating, wonderful, n even heartbreaking...but that what makes it so beautiful..."

a day out

makan dengan seriusnye...okke (n my sis ckp, sy mcm eskrem paddle pop)...but i still think i look cute ;)
saya buat2 baca je ni
saya ingin makan dengan rakusnya

adik pompuan 'kesayangan' saya itu telah menjejakkn kakinya di bandar serdang yg indah ini pada hujung minggu lalu...

ktorg de gk rancang2 nk wat aktiviti yg cambest, tp hampeh...plan hanyalah plan belaka, no execution except for the part where we went to the taman klcc...n walk all the way to masjid As-Syakirin to perform prayers as the surau yg de dlm klcc tu tgh renovate...n not to mention that day, hujan turun...memula tu ala2 renyai jela, mcm nk x nk je turun...excited gk mengambil gmbr mcm org sewel kt tmn tu even tho hujan as soon as hujan start turun ngn lebatnye...ktorg jln blk ke klcc...n basah gk la, cuma x lencun je...then, rse mcm dh mls nk jln2 lg, ktorg pn decide nk blk jew...n pd hr yg sme, sblh mlmnye, my housemate ajak g mkn kt tmn warisan pertanian, precint 16, putrajaya...blk dr mkn mlm tu, terus mndi, siap2 nk tdo, lepak2 jap...then trus zzzzzz...mmg pnt sgt2, mybe dh lme x wat aktiviti sehari suntuk, i felt soooo tired the next day...ok, thats all berita hujung minggu lepas ;)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Road Runners

aku ingin lari
seperti watak sufi dlm filem 'sepi'

tapi berlari tanpa arah dan tujuan
bukankah hanya meletihkan

berbaloikah pengorbanan dan penantian
kalau hanya untuk dikecewakan?

p/s npe tibe2 melankolik plak ni....ish3 ;D (n if i'm not mistaken, the shoes is called road runners)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


well...its a mixed feeling actually...happy, excited but yet feel a lil' sad coz rumah sewa lama ni dpt WiFi (even tho kena duduk kat balkoni baru leh dpt signal, lately) rumah sewa (yg bakal disewa bermula bulan depan) baru tu lebih besar, n we dun even have to climb the stairs to get into the house ;p (rumah teres la)

y am i posting it today?? coz we only got to know about it today...ingtkn owner rumah sewa yg baru ni tak bagi ktorg mnyewa kat rumah dia, sbb lambat sgt uncle tu nk call ktorg semula...but, this morning, he calls and confirms that the house is ours (^,-)v

even tho ktorg sedih sbb tak dapat nak access internet ngn percumanye ;(
tp it is for our own good jgk...since everyone is not really happy dengan rumah sewa skrg ni...yg bestnye rumah sewa yg baru tu still dekat (jln kaki pn smpi) ngn bazar ramadhan yg akan bermula at least in 3 weeks time ;D

ckp2 psl ramadhan, i can still remember the first ramadhan (last year) kat rumah sewa skrg ni...n now ramadhan kembali lg...rasa masa berlalu dgn pantasnye, hopefully saya masih lg diberikan kesempatan utk menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak pada kali ini

n tahun ni jgk, my sis dpt berpuasa selama sebulan (ye ke??;p) n sempat berhari raya beberapa hari di rumah...that's exactly why she's so thrill nak balik bercuti d tanah air sndr...nx year, msti dpt beraya lama ckit, tul tak faizati??hehe

anyhow...i'm still thinking of a way to make myself useful...coz for the past few weeks (almost a month) i felt like i've done nothing (berkaitan pelajaran saya)...nak start writing my thesis??takde mood la...sbb masih de benda lain yg tak settle nak settle kn benda yg tak settle tu, MALAS...y am i lazy sgt2 nih, nak kena budak nama erina farhani kadri nih...ok la, saya dh penat bebel...esok saya post entry lain plak (if there is any!)


this is juz soooo order for us in this house to get free access to wifi available from kfc downstairs...we have to actually grab a chair and sit at the balcony, juz to get a signal...this is insane, however i'm not gonna complaint much coz like i said...its free, so juz have to deal with it

Saturday, August 9, 2008



nice numbers, only comes once in a lifetime...were said to be the luckiest day for the chinese (n for most of the people who believe it)...however, that day were not the lucky date for some...a friend of mine lost her sister, yesterday early morning (not really sure the COD, but my friend's sister had been in a coma for about 3 months, if i'm not mistaken)...n i lost a friend just before the clock strikes twelve (just 'lost', not dead)

i'm not crying (i did, last night, for about 5 minutes, i guess)...but after that, it seems like everything went back to if nothing ever happens...i dunno, i guess i'm not really serious, not really care, not really sincere having that relationship at the first place...who knows it better other than Him, so i put everything in His hands...for quite some time i think about the decision that i made last far as i know, everything that i ever promise about this special yet complicated friendship, i never take it seriously...not even once, i broke each and every little promises...n yet somehow, i never regret any of has been a roller coaster journey, which had never been intended at the very beginning...but still, i try to put everything behind me...i know it will never come to a good end, neither do i know that it will going to be this bad...having said all that, i'm wishing for his well-being n happiness from afar

and as a servant to His Almighty, all i can do is seeking His forgiveness n praying for all the great things in life to come...not only for me, but for others as well...


"Lessons Learned" by Carrie Underwood

There's some things that I regret,
Some words I wish had gone unsaid,
Some starts,
That had some bitter endings,
Been some bad times I've been through,
Damage I cannot undo,
Some things,
I wish I could do all all over again,
But it don't really matter,
Life gets that much harder,
It makes you that much stronger,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.

And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.

There's mistakes that I have made,
Some chances I just threw away,
Some roads,
I never should've taken,
Been some signs I didn't see,
Hearts that I hurt needlessly,
Some wounds,
That I wish I could have one more chance to mend,
But it don't make no difference,
The past can't be rewritten,
You get the life you're given,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.

And all the things that break you,
Are all the things that make you strong,
You can't change the past,
Cause it's gone,
And you just gotta move on,
Because it's all,
Lessons learned.

p/s am i learning my lessons yet? only He knows

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Behind Closed Door

when one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us

Sunday, August 3, 2008

ini namanya org yg dh tak tau nk wat pe di hujung minggu dengan adanya wireless network di rumah...browsing thru org len pnye blog, surf internet segala, then stumble this website yg bg free service in editing pictures...haa, pe lagi, meh la ramai2 men edit2 gambo, best gk, tp time takde keje (or buat2 takde keje.hehe) la...kalau de keje, takde maknenye nak men bnde alah ni...

feel a lil' bit disappointed last nite...plan yg tak m'jadi, nk sedih pn tak larat, pe lagi nk, juz anggap takde rezeki jela, mybe better luck next time...

dah tak tau nak rse pe hari ni...byk bnde dlm kepala ni, rse serabut je...tak tau la smpi ble nk rse mcm ni...