Thursday, May 29, 2008


Akhirnya...manuskrip yang sekian lama t'simpan dlm laptop ni, dah di print and send to Dr. Tan to be reviewed...hahaha, feel sooooooo good. I've been keeping the manuskrip for so long that it drives me to the edge each n everytime I saw it...mmm, not sure whether it is because of my poor time management or is it juz because I'm way to lazy to type anything.

However, since I've finished 1/2 of the actual manuskrip (the other 1/2 akan menyusul x lme lg...hehe), Dr. Tan ingat I don't have anymore labwork need to be done, so...guess what he told me?? You're absolutely rite, MORE WORKS....hahahahaha and as usual, he told me that it's only a 'small' work, cuma tambah ckit je lg labwork erina, only application part je so that your research will look way better when you write your thesis....right now, i don't think that there's anything i can write about that...remind me not to further my studies for PhD (for the time being), coz i'm completely, extremely exhausted rite kata x baik mengeluh but you know what, whining is my favorite past time, biarlah apa org nk kata...yg penting saya hepi...wuhooooo

p/s: stumble upon this cool website ( guess i juz love people who can draw...n saya pn suka surf blog saharil at (hehe...dia pn org pontian tau)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


tau tak pe perasaanye bila org len anggap kita as an outsider?? even though 'org len' 2 adalah org yg kita refer as a fren?? it hurts, okke...

it's not like aku nk sgt perhatian drpd my so-called was juz that jgn la pura2 b'lakon buat baik dpn aku kalau mmg xde niat nk buat baik pn...kalau setakat konon2 nk amik hati aku, so that aku x kecik hati, better x yah tnye lgsg...then, xde la aku sakit hati nk b'ckp ngn 'korg' sume buat muka ala2 innocent, lps 2 tnye aku elok2, tp bila aku bls blk ngn jwpn yg agak kureng...dorg plak yg kata aku ni sombong, kerek if mcm bodoh sombong plak aku ni...

however, nk marah2 pn x gune...i really need a break rite now, from all those pretentious people...n rse mcm nk tuntut something drpd someone.hehe (de org dh jnji nk tgk wayang sme...ble u nk blk???)

p/s: still waiting 4 de chocolate to arrive ;<

Thursday, May 22, 2008

tah pape

semalam g tgk cite 'what happened in vegas' (wif k.mun n fairus)...great movie, asyik nak gelak je tgk cite tu...rase2nye dah lame tak tgk cite yg sempoi mcm 2...ashton kutcher n cameron diaz look great as a couple in the movie...kalau la ashton tu tak kawen ngn demi moore, they would make a great couple off-screen (untung demi moore, bak kate k.mun ;p)

anyway...that's not juz about it...wat kptsn nak keluar last minute, tak fikir pjg, terus je keluar...hai erina, erina...byk lg keje yg b'tangguh dah sebok nk kuar g tgk wayang...bile la nk siap spt motto sy skrg "biar lmbt asal siap"
hehe...even though ni ckp2 org malas (or cari alasan)...either one, yg penting i finished it (but still dunno when...) MY WORK>>>>>>>

meh nyanyi lagu ni ramai2...siap dgn lirik lagi...hehe, br dgr dah tangkap cintan sama ini lagu...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Engaged and Tied

Photo courtesy from (1 of my fav photographer from CS team)

Jgn tertipu dengan blog entry kali ni...bukannya saya yang bertunang tapi saya mendapat perkhabaran bahawa seorang kawan sekolah saya telah bertunang...earlier this month saya mendapat berita seorang kawan lagi saya sudah bertunang dan bakal menamatkan zaman bujangnya bulan 7 ni, insyaAllah...dan nak menambahkan lagi koleksi2 rakan2 yang telah menjalani upacara tersebut adalah seorang lagi kawan sekolah rendah telah pun selamat melangsungkan perkahwinannya pada hari ahad yang lepas (18 mei)...

Mmm...seronok bila dengar kawan2 dah mula memikirkan tentang hal2 seserius perkahwinan (rase mcm x matang la plak ;p)...well, think about it again, the only reason why i'm not that excited to talk about marriage is probably because i'm not ready yet...hehe, pada sesiapa yang rapat dengan saya most probably know why am i talking like freaks me out!!!

Tapi bukanlah sesuatu yang menakutkan kalau setakat membelek-belek majalah pengantin...suka tengok fesyen2 pengantin yang terbaru...hehe ;)

p/s: npe bln 5 ni byk tul dgr cite tunang n kawen ek..ehem2, petanda kot..muahaha

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Believe in soulmate (or soul mate)??
Now that's something to talk about...
There are theories behind it (either from Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium or theories popularized by Theosophy and in a modified form by Edgar Cayce)...
Walau apa jua teori yang dikemukakan...semuanya terpulang pada setiap individu untuk memahami dan mentafsirkannya

p/s: entry ini tiada kaitan di antara yang masih hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia ;)...i juz lurve the song.that's it...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

ayap merantau lagi

Ahad lps (yes, the same Mother's Day)...ayap tlh mendaftarkn dirinya sbg seorang pelajar matrikulasi di KMJ, Tangkak...

Even though he didn't say anything, his facial expression is full with confusion, doubts and i dunno...ekspresi yg x dpt diterjemahkn melainkan ayap je yg tau...he may be in confusion right now, but i hope that it didn't took him long to realize apa jua keputusan yg dia buat...

Dari form 1 smpi form 5 ayap blaja kt STAR, Ipoh...basically he learned to manage himself since the tender age of, my male siblings sume pn mengalami experience yg sme, dorg sume left home since masuk form 1, cuma saya n adik pmpn saya je yg stay kt Pontian smpi abis form 5...then lps abis SPM, he went to PLKN (which he thinks is a waste of time, but didn't complain bout the allowance though...)...abis je PLKN, dia stay kt umah for few months (smpt la amik lesen memandu) b4 pergi merantau ke Tangkak plak...

I think he misses home (either that or Astro...hehe) sbb dia rse mcm skjp je dia duk umah...abis SPM, trus g skjp duk umah, dh kne masuk matrik plak...dia mengeluh je, tp nk wat cmne...xkn selamanye nk duk senang lenang kt umah...n the first question dia tnye psl matrikulasi:

"cuti matrik sme x ngn cuti sekolah??"

And i think he misses his lil' brother

mak saya

Saya mungkin lmbt post entry on Mother's Day tp yg penting saya x lupa nk wish Happy Mother's Day kepada mak tersayang pada hari ahad lepas (11 May)...

Saya rapat dgn mak saya (skrg la), tp seingat saya, dulu (note: zaman jahiliah...;p) saya suka lawan ckp mak...sume yg mak ckp, sume x betul...saya x suke bila mak membebel, rse mcm diri ni useless sgt pd kaca mata mak...n slalu rse mak ngn abah berat sebelah pd itu sume cite dulu2, skrg ni cite len plak.hehehe...being the mischievous daughter (compare to my lil' sis la) in the family, saya slalu buat mak pening kepala, but as much as i can remember, mak x pnah pukul (kne marah je slalu) tp kalau abah len la (siap kne pukul ngn raket badminton pn pnah)...

Saya x leh nk recall bile turning point utk saya 'berubah' yg nyata, bile saya jd 'baik' ;p saya mula belajar utk lebih m'hargai mak (n abah) saya...bknnye sblm ni saya x m'hargai mak saya, tp perasaannye b'beza bila kita tau apa yg ibubapa kita buat sumenye adalah utk kebaikan anak2 dia juga...setiap ibu msti ada ciri2 yg anak2 dia banggakn...n for me, mak la org paling tabah, cekal yg saya pernah jmp...she rarely cries, even bile dia sedih, but i've seen her crying in few occasions, itu pn sbb mak dh x larat nk tampung airmata dari mengalir (i guess)...susah nk being sentimental ngn mak, sbb biasenye nnt mak senyum je, teruk2 pn dia gelak je dgr...mak oh mak, kenapa la anis x secekal mak, kenapa la sng sgt anis nk mengalirkn airmata setiap kali diri dilanda hiba...mmmm

Anyway, org kata, selalunya kita hargai orang lebih semasa mereka dah alhamdulillah, saya dibukakn mata t'lebih awal (sblm saya menyesal) dan msh diberi kesempatan utk m'hargai kedua org tua saya semasa hayat mereka msh ada...setiap hari anis b'doa agar mak abah dipanjangkn umur, diberikan kesihatan yg baik dan ceria2 slalu...

Ni cite len plak...2 minggu lps, mse saya blk umh..mak de bg something.hehe

mak: nis, cni jap (sambil ajak masuk bilik)

saya: de pe mak??

mak: ni ha, mak de blikn rantai br, nk gantikn rantai anis yg lme 2...mak bli rantai lain2, 1 anis pnye, 1 ati pnye, tp loket dia sme...ikut suke la anis nk rantai yg mne

saya: waaaaa...besarnye loket dia, pjgnye rantai dia...mcm mak datin la plak pakai rantai ni.hehe...time kaceh mak.hehe

mak: eh abah turun 2...jgn smpi abah nmpk, nnt dia tnye mne mak dpt duit bli rantai br utk korg...hehehe

saya: ???...hai mak, mak...ngn abah pn kne rahsia2...de2 je

p/s: ati, ko pnye nnt mak bg ble ko dh smpi umh..hehehe (aku pilih rantai plg tebal..kih3)

Friday, May 9, 2008


Yeah..."speed racer" is out in cinema...n the only reason i'm watching this is bcoz of my uppa..."RAIN" ngeh ngeh ngeh (^,^)v

dh lme tnggu cite ni (since tau my "uppa" b'lakon dlm movie ni.hehe)...n i've watched it yesterday...since i'm not a movie reviewer, i can't really tell whether it's a good movie or not, but it's something worth to be watched by any RAIN's first i thought he will be making a cameo appearance je sbb lmbt gk la watak dia nk kuar...then, i realize watak RAIN pn penting gk la...n he look so cool n dayah can't stop herself from screaming each time RAIN (a.k.a Taejo Togokhan) make an appearance...hehe

The Star gives 3 out of 5 star for the movie...n it doesn't really matter to me, since the only reason i watch the movie is solely bcoz of RAIN...;p

p/s: note to dayah, len kali kalau de cite yg pusing2 mcm roller coaster, ak x ajak ko la...takut ko muntah2 mcm smlm.hehe...."mabuk movie"

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

a day in a chemist's life

Tadaaa...have a look at my workstation...and the 'work' ;)

Dulu x duk kt tpt yg de nme aku ni...dulu duk kt tpt ni pn tatau la smpi ble kne duk cni sbb dgr2 cite aku kne pndh tpt lg...huuuu
x kesah la, asalkn aku de tpt nk wat labwork aku...lgpn nowadays aku jarang2 duk kt tpt ni...asyik duk melepak kt tpt len...;p

Monday, May 5, 2008

She's married...finally =)

Aku mula2 kenal kak ena sbg gf abg sulung aku...that was like 10 years ago...since then, lot of things happens...they (my big bro n kak ena) didn't end up together (don't ask me why...), dh xde jodoh agaknye...then, abg aku jmp ngn kak raha n dorg pn amik kptsn kawen n now they're happily married for 6 years, ditmbh dgn kehadiran 2 org cahaya mata (kimi n luqman)...well, little did i expect that kak ena belum kawen lg (sblm 30 April 08 ;p)...honestly, aku mati2 ingt yg kak ena dh kawen, juz mybe dia x nk bgtau je...however, like few months ago, kak ena try to reach me, juz want to let me know that she's getting married...frankly speaking, i'm shocked, but then again...i'm glad she's finally decided to end singlehood...
n smpi hr ni aku msh lg ingt the very first and last time kak ena dtg umh ktorg...n that happens 9 years ago, mse abg second aku kawen...even though mak x pnah ckp pape, tp aku tau yg mak rse hepi sbb kak ena msh ingtkn ktorg, b'tnyekn kabar walaupn ktorg ni bknnye part of her family pn ("tp kita still sedara kn", ni kak ena yg ckp)...sbb 2 jgk la agaknye kenapa mak beria nk g kenduri kawen kak ena kt rasah, srmbn pd Hari Pekerja, 1 Mei 08 yg lps (nsb bek x sesat, sng je nk cr umh kak ena)...mak 2 bknnye larat sgt nk jln jauh2 tp dia b'sungguh gk nk ke sne...aku pn ikutkn jela...klu dh jd driver kne la ikut ckp 'mem' besar kt blkg.hehe ;)

whatever it is...ktorg 1 family doakn yg t'baik utk kak ena n husband...smoga mahligai perkahwinan yg di bina kekal n bahgia hingga ke akhir hayat...