Tuesday, July 1, 2008

cooking madness

lately, mcm dh jd satu habit, bile wkend je, msti tibe2 jd rajin nk masak something...well, hr sbtu lps since de rancangan nk kuar tgk movie 'sepi' (which is de 1st malay movie i ever watch in a cinema), so xde la nk masak yg grand2 sgt...i decided nk 'masak' cold macaroni and tuna salad ptg tu (so i can eat it for dinner)...actually, sng gile2 nk prepare mnde alah ni...org yg MALAS mcm ak ni pn rse sng je nk prepare dish ni...juz rebus macaroni until cooked, then cmpur segala mcm bnde spt di dlm gmbr (mayonis, tuna, egg, green peas, cherry tomatoes, salt and pepper)...senang banget ;) and it taste great too

then, for sunday, since xde rancangan nk kuar g mne2...i thought kari ayam is menu for the day...it become simpler sbb sy guna perencah kari ayam segera.hehehe...nk try je, sbb nk tau cmne rse kalau guna perencah segera...well. not so bad actually, mmg rse mcm masakan kari (duh!! x kn la jd rase gulai plak)...even k.mun pn kte "ok la erina, sedap je" ngeh ngeh ngeh (dalam hati) sambil sengih2..kiranye bkn la ssh sgt nk main masak2 ni...lagi2 bile ada segala mcm perencah segera yg available kt pasaran...memudahkn kerja memasak bg golongan yg "BUSY" mcm saya (^,-)v

habis topik main masak2...nk komen ckit psl cite 'sepi'...very nice movie actually, x rugi ak kejar tiket 'burung awal'...hehe
1 thing i like about this movie...the plot is different...well,for some people, mgkin dorg akan ckp "ala, msti cite ni sme je ngn cite2 romantik yg len, xyah tgk kt panggung wayang, rugi duit je" (actually, saya pn pikir mcm ni gk mse memula)...tp 4 some reason, i thought i wanna try watching msian movie, juz go n watch the movie, lgpn mcm org slalu ckp, kite org msia kne la sokong industri perfileman negara kite sndr ;p
slalunye kite dh leh agak ending sesebuah cite even br tgk 1/2 (or 1/4) part of the movie...tp with sepi, ada kelainan, n i'm glad i watched it, i thought as the title of the movie itself, sume watak dlm cite tu will end up sepi (sad ending la)...tp x sangka plak de hepi ending, n it is a sweet movie...cuma kesian ngn watak sufi n marya, whatever it is berbaloi tgk cite 'sepi'...

p/s CINTA TAK DATANG HANYA SEKALI (hopefully it is true ;p)


anak en. kadri said...


nak nengok jugak cite ni!!


E F K said...

muahaha...best giler...really lurve it...lg best dr 'cinta' ;)