Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feb oh Feb

bila Feb je jalan ke mana2 pun mst nmpk love signs, board besar2 reminding people the month of they claimed it (bln2 len xleh loving2 ke...haha)

i'm not celebrating worries bout dat...cuma bila tiba bln Feb je, tibe2 secara otomatik akan rasa hati berbunga2, mungkin sebab aura lovey dovey tu...jln mana2 pun semua putarkan love songs je manjang...semalam tgk preview Valentine's Day kat cineleisure...i have to say that besar2an jugak la dia promote cite tu...repeated trailers from the movie, non stop...trailer movie tu shj ye, movie lain jgn harap nak share the limelight, n siap ada mcm program untuk nk celebrate preview cite tu kt ground floor...poster movie is everywhere dekat cinema tu...rsenye dia tanggalkan sume poster lain...the movie?wasnt that bad, sweet jugak, klaka jugak, byk famous actors for sure...quite lama gak, 2hours, i guess...

oh...bln ni pn ramai yg amek peluang nk kawen la, tunang la, b'sungguh cr pakwe/makwe la,stuff like dat la...gud for u guys...n congratulation from me...

btw, in conjuction to the month of love...please give ways to the love, put aside all ur hatred n negative feelings k...senyum je :) hehe

love is so contagious...n it can get really ugly if u didnt handle it happy everybody :)

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