Wednesday, February 17, 2010

pay before it gets barred

pakcik celcom dah bagi warning : your usage as 170210 is rm90.25, it has reached 91-99% of our maximum usage. please pay ASAP before your line gets barred....aiyaa

technically...memang betul pun aku sorg je yang guna sampai dekat seratus hengget bil telepon tu (oh, jgn tanya kenapa, ni memang bukan tindakan bijak sebab tu kena banyak cmni...ahaha)...berani lagi nak gelak tu

selalunya, tak sampai rm30 pun aku kena bayar tiap2 bulan semenjak pakai postpaid celcom ni...this is alot less daripada pakai prepaid maxis, but this time around, tah silap tang mana tah, seratus tu, seratus...dua kali ganda daripada bil en.abang...erkkk...but he knows la camane leh jadi banyak camtu, and dah puas gak kitorang ber'gurau senda' pasal bil itu, and lastly i made a promise not to splurge that much to call anybody or to surf the net...huhu

ok2 my fault...hehe

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