Thursday, January 8, 2009

aku dah la memang pemalas.ko plak rajin nak main tag2 ni

kita buat tag team. nak tak cik paiz??(ikhlas ni)

The last person to tag you was ?
never been tagged before, 1st tagger(is there such a word??) is cik faiez comey kiut miut itu
Your relationship with him/her ?
kawan masa sekolah rendah, main pos-pos surat guna poster (slalunya) untuk dijadikan sampul masa sekolah menengah walaupun sekolah sebelah menyebelah je. ni kes ngada-ngada over ye. sekian.

Your 5 impressions towards him/her ?
comey, selalu sakit (kesian dia ni), tak makan sayur (ish3) patut la ko slalu sakit ;p, baik dan perkataan lain yang menggambarkan baik dan oh, suara dia seksi (seingat aku) hehehe

The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you ?
tah la...aku cepat lupa, tapi biasa la kan, dulu hepi2 je masa kat sekolah

The most memorable words that he/she has said to you ?
tah la

If he/she becomes your lover, you will... way, she's not my type hahahaha, jgn marah cik faiez ;p

If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
do nothing...y fight??peace no war...ok??

If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
???aku rasa dia dah cukup best la tu...kita kena terima manusia lain seadanya, betul tak cik faiez?? ;p

If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
i cant find a reason for us to be an enemy in the 1st ko saje nak cari gaduh ngan aku??tolong jawab cik faiez??

The most desirable things to do for him/her are...
none...aku pemalas+tak berapa kreatif+sengkek plak tu=i'll do nothing (boleh tak cenggini??;D)

Overall impression towards him/her is...
she is who she is...nice person to be friends with

How do you think the people around you will feel about you ?
do i have to answer this?u tnye la orang yang kenal i...hehe

Who is your ideal ?
not going to tell...but found him already...simpan dalam gua, so orang tak leh jumpa ;p

What do you hate about yourself ?
skrg ni...rasa malas yang melampau, tp rajin plak nak m'jawab soalan tag tah pape ni...musykil2

For the people who care for you and like you, say something about them.
thanks for all the cares and love...very much appreciated

Bra or panties ?
erkk..kena pilih salah satu ke?bukan kena pakai dua2 ke?;p

Chocolate or ice-cream ?
i would go for both...ada sesapa nak belanja...saya free weekend ni ;D

10 people to tag
whoever yang rasa nak buat tag ni...silakan, aku tak paksa

Who is number 2 having a relationship with ?
i dun put skip soalan ni

Is she/he a male or a female ?
skip gak...ini alasan bagus untuk tak jawab soalan ni

If number 7 and 10 got together, would that be a good thing ?
how am i suppose to know?

How about 5 and 8 ?When was the last time you had a chat with them ?
again...skip question

Number 4 single ?

Say something about number 1.
again...i'm skipping

What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together ?
skipping again...lama2 kurus aku kalau skipping je kejenye

Describe number 9.
cant answer that

What will you do if number 6 and 7 fight ?
let them be...coz i dun even know who is number 1,2,3...let alone 6 or 7...

p/s hari ni mendung+rasa sejuk melampau (sebab duduk dlm bilik ada aircon)+rajin sikit (tu pun sebab kena paksa)+mengantuk+nak jalan2 g holiday kat korea (smlm ceting dgn member, ko ajak aku g singapore jek...kuciwa aku tau)+tengah fikir nak makan pe petang nanti...mmmm


ღ love, faiez ღ said...

ahahahha..aku pon tbe2 rs gediks nak tag tu ayt puji2 aku tu..malu i tau..sile jgn puji di public.ahahah.sore aku seksi?auwwww..wakakakak

E F K said...

ish...mustila puji...ikhlas ni,bkn sng nk suh ak puji2 org..huhuhuhu